Kamar Keluarga 4 – Family Room 4 – English Version
Tamu sekeluarga atau rombongan bisa menyewa satu kamar sekaligus untuk 3-4 orang. Kamar bisa dipakai satu keluarga/rombongan tanpa terganggu tamu lain. Kamar ini berisi 2 tempat tidur bertingkat dengan 2 tempat tidur di
bawah dan 2 tempat tidur di atas dengan ukuran masing-masing 80 cm. Di dalam kamar yang ber AC, terdapat 2(dua) buah kamar mandi dengan shower air hangat dan air dingin, dan 1(satu) toilet/WC.
Mengapa anda memilih untuk tinggal di Home Addicts?
1. Colokan Listrik: kami menyediakan colokan listrik tepat disamping tempat tidur anda yang bisa anda gunakan secara pribadi untuk mencharge handphone anda siang dan malam.
2. Toilet : satu buah toilet dan dua buah kamar mandi dengan shower terletak di dalam kamar anda.
3. AC: AC tersedia 7x 24 jam in dalam kamar untuk kenyamanan anda
4. Loker/Tempat Penyimpan: untuk memastikan barang-barang anda terjaga dengan aman, masing-masing tamu akan memiliki satu loker/tempat penyimpanan barang pribadi yang tersedia di dalam kamar anda.Anda tidak perlu pergi ke luar kamaar untuk menyimpan barang-barang berharga anda.

** Family Room 4 ** Bahasa Indonesia
This room is suitable for Family of group traveler with 3-4 persons who want to stay privately in one dedicated room. The room has 2 bunk beds (2 bottom bed and 2 top bed.) The room has 2(two) showers with hot and cold water, and 1(one) toilet inside the room. All rooms are full Air Condition room with Electric plugs is available to charge your cell-phone all day and
independent night lamp you may control by yourselves in your bed
Why you should choose to stay in Home Addict Yogyakarta?
1. Power sockets: we provide private power socket by your bed to charge your phone overnight
2. Nigh Lamp: independent night lamp you may control by yourselves in your bed
3. Toilet / main door: 1(one) toilet and 2(two) the bathroom with shower are located in your room
4. Air Con: Air conditioning is available 24 hours in your room for your convenience.
5. Locker: to keep your stuff secure, the locker for individual bed available inside your room. You do not need to go far way go outside your room to keep your belonging.
Why you may choose the bottom bunk:
1. More secure, No worries about falling down the ladder when climbing up or down
2. If you drop something out of bed it’s easy to recover
3. Sitting and chilling, packing your backpack – all easier sitting down on your bed
4. Easy access to your belongings around you
5. Under the bed can be a handy storage area
6. No irrational fear of falling out of bed
7. You can often strategically hang a towel from the top bunk to create a little den for more privacy & less light
Why you may choose the top bunk:
1. No worries about annoying having someone above you rolling around
2. No one will disturb you up on go up or down the ladder, potentially trampling you if you tend to spread out in bed starfish style.
3. Secure from hitting your head while getting in and out of bed
4. Some bottom bunks do not have enough space to sit up straight so end up being even less comfortable than the top bunk